Setting House Rules To Improve Your Toddlers Behaviour

Control your toddlers behaviour with house rules

I think very few people can truthfully say they enjoy living by and following the rules. But if truth be told, disciplining your toddler by giving them rules and guidelines to follow will really help them progress and develop in to a well behaved, happy child.

Disciplining your child by giving your toddler boundaries and guidelines means you are allowing them to grow and develop their confidence within set limits. These set limits mean that you do not have to constantly tell your toddler off and your relationship with your toddler will be happier and more positive.

Improve your toddlers behaviour

A lot of the toddlers and young children you see that are throwing temper tantrums and playing up are doing so to see how far they can push the boundaries. This type of child behaviour is normal. Your two year old will also know that if they carry on long enough and scream loud enough they will eventually get want ever it is they want. All you need to do to solve this problem is discipline your two year old.

You as a parent can stop this. By disciplining your toddler and setting house rules (and sticking to them) you will be able to overcome this problem. Your toddler will know the rules and what is expected of them and you will be able to pull your toddler back in to line if they push to far.

Learn how to dramatically improve your toddlers behaviour.

How to set house rules and improve your toddlers behaviour

To stop this toddler behaviour you need to discipline your child and set rules which everyone can stick to. You should set about 10 house rules for your toddler. These rules should be realistic, easily understandable and achievable.

When you write the new house rules for your toddler, try and write them so that they are positive. For example, write “put toys back in the box at the end of the day” instead of “do not make a mess” or “speak nicely to people” instead of “do not shout and swear”. This will help to encourage a positive reaction from your toddler towards the new house rules.

The rules you decide upon should be written (or drawn in pictures depending on the age of your child and how much they understand). The new house rules should be big and bold and displayed somewhere your toddler can easily see them, for example on the fridge.

Explain the house rules to your toddler

It is very important that you sit your toddler down and explain the house rules. This should be done in a calm environment and you should explain the rules slowly. This will give your toddler a chance to understand them and ask questions. You should also explain to your toddler why you are putting these rules in place.

Allow your toddler to ask questions and make sure that your toddler understands by asking them questions about what you have just said.

You should also explain to your toddler what will happen if they break the house rules.

If your toddler breaks the house rules

If your toddler breaks the house rules, the first thing you should do is give your toddler a warning. If they continue to break the rules after you have given one warning, you should give your toddler a time out.

Things to remember

Things to remember when setting house rules for your toddler

  • Set rules to discipline your toddler
  • Don’t set to many house rules
  • Keep the new house rules positive
  • Keep the new house rules simple enough for your toddler to understand
  • Have them displayed somewhere your toddler can see them
  • Follow through if your toddler doesn’t obey the rules.